

The Barracuda Reputation Block List blacklist details for IP address

Lookup URL
Removal URL


The Barracuda Reputation Block List (also known as The BRBL) is blacklist maintained by Barracuda Networks. Barracuda Networks is a manufacturer of a hardware anti-spam appliances. The Barracuda Reputation Block List (BRBL) is considered accurate, having very low false positive rate.

Use of The BRBL is free. Server IP address has to be registered to enable usage of the blacklist.

There is no manual addition of IP addresses to The BRBL blacklist. Most of data come from Barracuda Networks installed anti-spam appliances used by Barracuda Networks customers.

Listing criteria

Open relays, spam proxies and IP addresses collected by spam traps are listed automatically when detected. Data from Barracuda anti-spam appliances, will generate a score of how likely the message is to be spam. If the message is determined to be spam, IP address is added to The BRBL.

Zones returns the standard IP address as a response to a reverse query if requested IP address is blacklisted. Each server has to be registered at BRBL and approved before querying Barracuda Networks DNS servers.

Removal Process

Removal could be requested by filling out a IP removal form. Removal requests are handled manually and most IPs should be delisted within a 24 hours.

The BRBL cooperates with is a DNS whitelist in which, after paying a small fee, an IP network or domain is investigated and if found to be clean is added to the whitelist. If an IP address is whitelisted in it does not appear in The Barracuda Reputation Block List.