

The Spamhaus Project blacklist details for IP address

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Removal URL


The Spamhaus Project is one of the largest anti-spam DNS blacklists. Spamhaus was founded in 1998 and resides in Geneva, Switzerland, and London. Spamhaus provides over 60 public DNS Servers distributed across 18 countries and is able to serve billion of DNS requests a day.

The Spamhaus actively works with all forms of law enforcement and legal entities to eliminate large scale spamming actions. Spamhaus has formed The Register Of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) which is used by many ISP and law enforcement to track and monitor large scale network spam attacks. ROKSO currently tracks the top 100 known professional spam senders and "gangs" worldwide.

The Spamhaus Project is a non profit organization. All members are volunteers, equipment is provided through sponsors or donation.

The Spamhaus Project is know for it's strict attitude to listing non-spamming entities which appear to be related to spam originators.

Listing criteria

The listing criteria for Spamhaus varies greatly. Generally listing occurs when spam is seen or reported.

Listed are 4 main types of spam related entities

  • Spam Sources - sources of spam caught by Spamtraps or submitted to Spamhaus by trusted 3rd party intelligence.
  • Spam Services - Servers (mail, web, dns...) identified as integral part of a spam operation or being under the direct control of spammers.
  • Spam Operations - known spam operations and gangs listed in ROKSO registry, including preemptively listing new IPs each time known spammers move to new hosts.
  • Spam Support Services - services providing service to known spam operations listed in ROKSO, services providing 'bullet-proof hosting' for spam service purposes, services obfuscating or anonymising spam senders, services selling or providing hosting for the sales or distribution of spamware or address lists, and networks knowingly hosting spammers.


The SBL (Spamhaus Block List) lists IP addresses of hosts that appear to be under the control of, or in use by senders of unsolicited commercial or bulk email. Any listing in the SBL must meet Spamhaus's internal definition of spam, which is that a message will be deemed spam if is both commercial and bulk.

SBL uses spamtraps, partnership DNS blacklists, detection of compromised machines including web, dns, or any other service that is under the direct control of spammers. In the SBL are lists of IP addresses associated with known spammer operations (from ROKSO). Finally, the SBL also lists ISP that host spammers, known spammer friendly ISP, and IPS listed in the ROKSO database.

The XBL (Spamhaus Exploits Block List) is a real time database of known IP addresses of hijacked computers infected by 3rd party exploits, hosts that have been infected with malware with built-in SMTP spam engines and hosts that are part of botnets.

The XBL also incorporates the CBL ( and NJABL ( THe XBL doesn't use direct copies of CBL and NJABL data but maintains some minor adjustments to the data feeds in order to improve efficiency and reduce false positives.

The PBL (Spamhaus Policy Block List) is a list of IP addresses that have no reason to be delivering unauthenticated SMTP email to any host on the internet. There are, in the most cases, dynamic IP ranges of ISPs providing end users, witch have "server" based activities (sending e-mails directly) prohibited by contract with an ISP.

The PBL is not maintained directly by Spamhaus. PBL provides a central repository of dynamic IP address ranges that is maintained by the ISP's themselves. The list is not complete, and is also highly US centric. If you are maintaining a static IP address that has been accidentally listen into the PBL, Spamhaus provides tools to allow this IP address to be excluded.

The DBL (Spamhaus Domain Block List) maintains a list of domains, usually website URL's, that have been found within the body of spam emails.

The DBL is maintained as a pure "zero false positive" list, meaning that, no domain should ever be listed that has not been used as part of some spam tactic.

The ZEN blacklist is Spamhaus's combination zone. So you can either chose to make DNS queries to individual zones as listed above, or use which includes them all.

Spamhaus Don't Route Or Peer List

The DROP (Spamhaus Don't Route Or Peer List) is a small list of IP address ranges that have been stolen or hijacked from their rightful owners. The DROP is not a DNS blacklist, but is designed to be downloaded as a file and used to configure a firewalls.

Removal Process

The removal process of Spamhaus can vary depending on the zone in which is IP address listed in. In most cases, using the Spamhaus Blacklist Removal Center, will show if you are listed, why, and how to enter the removal process.